Event Reports


Event Reports 2024

Foreign Minister’s Commendation for Dr Yuriko Nagata and Mr Andrew Hay

On October 31, the Consul-General of Japan in Brisbane Mr GOMAKUBO Junji formally recognised the efforts of two Queensland residents through the conferment of The Foreign Minister’s Commendation. This award is presented by the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Japanese Government, to individuals who have made significant contributions to the friendship and strengthening of relations between Australia and Japan, and recipients Dr Yuriko Nagata and Mr Andrew Hay have both made profound contributions to the relationship.

Dr Yuriko Nagata is an Honorary Senior Fellow of the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland, where she contributed greatly to both Japanese language education and Japanese-Australian history. Her dissertation ‘Unwanted Aliens’ is highly regarded in her field as a fundamental and groundbreaking documentation of Japanese diaspora experiences during WWII, and she has worked hard to increase awareness and further support this community by co-founding the organisation Nikkei Australia.

Mr Andrew Hay is a partner at Clayton Utz and the former President of the Australia-Japan Society of Queensland 2011-2017. He has been instrumental in promoting understanding and friendship with Japan through a wide range of initiatives focusing on the strengthening of sister city and sister state relations, including with Kobe city and Saitama Prefecture, and advancing sports diplomacy, particularly university level ties in rugby union. Andrew has also worked hard to foster economic ties through the establishment of a Japan practice group and a lawyer exchange at Clayton Utz.

Thank you Nagata-Sensei and Andrew for all your incredibly hard work and the pivotal roles you have played in your fields. Congratulations to you both for these well-deserved awards!

28th Annual Japanese Film Festival

The 28th Annual Japanese Film Festival officially kicked off in Brisbane on Thursday 17 October with its opening reception, featuring the heartwarming family drama “Mom, is that you?!” as the opening film. The Consulate-General of Japan, Brisbane was delighted to celebrate with friends of Japan and Japanese film buffs on this special evening. We would like to sincerely thank Japan Foundation, Sydney Director Yukihiro Ohira and staff, along with the whole Japanese Film Festival team, for bringing amazing Japanese cinema to Brisbane again this year.

2024 Gold Coast Budo Challenge

The Consul-General attended the opening ceremony of the 2024 Gold Coast Budo Challenge which began with Kizuna Taiko Drumming on the morning of 5 October. He would like to express his sincere respect to the organisers who set up a great competition, Shihan Phil Cox, President of Kyokushin Karate Gold Coast Inc., his fellow Shihans and Senseis, Phil-san’s wife Sensei Katie, and the many sponsors. And thanks also to Ms Angie Bell, the federal member for Moncrieff and Councillor Bob La Castra for their presence in witnessing this powerful competition. The Kyokushin Karate World Cup will be held here on the GC in 2025. Let's all get together to make it a success! Osu!

Japan and Friends Day 2024

On 21 September, Japan & Friends Day was held in Broadbeach Cultural Precinct, Gold Coast. Consul-General GOMAKUBO gave opening remarks together with Mr John-Paul Langbroek MP, the Member for Surfers Paradise and Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism. This year, a Japanese Mikoshi (portable Shrine) was showcased in public and the Consul-General also joined in as a shrine bearer, carrying it on his shoulders. It was great to see a lot of people enjoying various Japanese cultural activities and food presented at the festival under the clear sky!

Visit to the University of Southern Queensland

The University of Southern Queensland recently unveiled their new Japanese Tea House at their Japanese Garden Ju Raku En. The Consul-General helped officially open the beautiful addition to the garden together with Chancellor John Dornbusch. Their Japanese Garden is one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, and boasts 230 species of Japanese and Australian native trees and plants, including cherry blossoms that started blooming just in time for the opening! Toowoomba is currently hosting its annual Carnival of Flowers festival, so it’s the perfect time to visit and enjoy the tranquil garden in full bloom.

Gladstone-Saiki Sister City Celebrations

Consul-General Gomakubo recently attended a ceremony for the 28th anniversary of the Gladstone-Saiki sister city relationship, held in the Japanese Garden at the Tondoun Botanical Gardens, Gladstone. Ceremony attendees had the chance to partake in Japanese cultural experiences such as fan making, calligraphy, and trying on yukata, and enjoyed koto and taiko performances as well as a bonsai tree display. The Consul-General was delighted by the strong friendship ties between Gladstone and Saiki, and congratulated them on the beautiful renovations undertaken at the Japanese Garden. We hope this will provide both an opportunity for locals to enjoy Japanese culture in Queensland, and provide further avenues for close cooperation between the two cities.

Representatives of Japan Deaf Golf Association’s Visit to QLD

Consul-General GOMAKUBO recently received representatives from the Japan Deaf Golf Association, who are visiting Queensland to participate in the 14th World Deaf Golf Championships held on the Gold Coast from 26-29 August. Mr Nojiri, Deputy President of the Association, kindly explained how to play golf and how to communicate with other players without sound, and we were very pleased to hear that Team Japan achieved excellent results on the Championships! Congratulations to all players, and we hope you will come visit QLD once again!

JETRO Hyrdogen Delegation

Consul-General Gomakubo hosted a welcome reception for a Japanese delegation visiting Queensland as part of a hydrogen mission, organised by the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO). The reception provided a wonderful opportunity for these companies interested in investing in Queensland’s hydrogen sector to network with representatives from Australian companies, and state and local government officials, and strengthen our bilateral economic ties.

Saitama Afternoon Tea

Consul-General GOMAKUBO recently hosted an afternoon tea for participants on the Saitama Scholarship Program, an initiative of the Saitama Prefectural Government and the Department of Education International, in celebration of 40 years of sister state relations between Queensland and Saitama. As part of the program, six students and two teachers travel to Queensland each year to undertake immersive studies and learn more about Australia. Students stayed with local host families while attending Yeppoon State High School, and had the chance to get up close with a koala at Dreamworld. Thank you to Yeppoon SHS, the Queensland Department of Education International, and the Saitama Kenjinkai in QLD for your support for this longstanding and important relationship.

2024 UQJX Speech Contest

Congratulations to the Winners at UQJX Japanese Speech Contest 2024! Consul-General GOMAKUBO gave closing remarks at the UQ Japan Exchange (UQJX) Japanese Speech Contest held on 24-25 August this year. CG witnessed the great talents and Japanese skills of all the competitors who made Japanese speeches, and hopes that all of them who are continuing their language studies will become a bridge for AUS-JPN relations in the future. Ganbatte-kudasai!

AJS Career Evening

The Consulate recently played host to the annual AJS Career Evening. This event is a great chance for those interested in a Japan career to learn more about the many pathways available. The Consulate also had the opportunity to share information about the JET Programme, which is a Japanese government initiative allowing university graduates to live and work across Japan! We hope attendees in person and online came away feeling inspired.

2024 JET Programme Farewell Reception


We recently farewelled our 2024 JET Programme participants. There are 21 Jets departing from Brisbane this year, including 18 who departed on 28 July. They will be placed across Japan, working in schools and local government offices from Hokkaido down to Okinawa. We were honoured to have Dr Christian Rowan MP, Shadow Minister for Education, Ms Sayoko Koizumi and Mr Shinnosuke Matsumoto of CLAIR Sydney, JETAA Queensland Vice President Greg Corbett, and friends of the Japan community join us in farewelling them. We would like to wish our 2024 Jets all the best for an amazing time in Japan!

Japanese Cultural Day at the Mount Coot-tha Botanic Gardens


Thank you to all who turned out for Japanese Cultural Day in the Mount Coot-tha Botanic Gardens this year! The weather was perfect for a day in the Japanese gardens, where visitors were treated to a huge range of Japanese cultural activities including tea ceremony, calligraphy, ikebana, bonsai, mochi making, and live Japanese music. We were also lucky enough to enjoy the gardens’ cherry blossoms in full bloom! This is one of our biggest events on the Japan Week calendar, and we hope to see you all there in 2025!

Queensland Political Briefing

A big thank you to Glen Elmes and the Hon John Mickel for a most insightful briefing on Queensland politics. Bringing their experience of being former members of Queensland parliament and ministers, Glen and John presented a very informative overview of the political situation in Queensland to members of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Brisbane, and even sharing some views on the upcoming Queensland election.

Visit to Figjam & Co.

The Consul-General and Chef Suzuki recently visited Figjam & Co, an Indigenous owned business specialising in catering and gourmet condiments with Australian ingredients. Recently they have been creating new Japanese-Australian fusion dishes such as kangaroo katsu sando, inspired by Japanese katsu sando! Chef Suzuki has been using Australian ingredients such as lemon myrtle, finger limes and vegemite in his own cooking to create unique fusion recipes, and enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about local superfoods from First Nations Australians.

2024 JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation

On 7 June, the Consulate held a Pre-Departure Orientation for 2024 JET Programme Participants. This July, 19 participants from across Queensland will be travelling to Japan to work as ALTs and CIRs in towns and cities from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Representatives from Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR) Sydney and JETAA Queensland also attended to share important information on work responsibilities and living in Japan. Thank you to all who attended!

Japanese Language Education Reception


The Consul-General was delighted to host a reception promoting Japanese Language Education on May 31. Four representatives from across the public and private sector - Melissa Inooka, Nathaniel Rowe, Arabella Dove, and Chris Rees - shared stories on the impact that Japanese language education has had on their career paths and discussed the direct and indirect benefits of learning Japanese. Nathaniel’s well used kanji dictionary also made an appearance! DEi’s Susan Brook rounded out the evening with a presentation on the Department’s fantastic range of Japan programs on offer to students and teachers.

We were honoured to have attendees from the Government and education, including The Honourable Charis Mullen MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Dr. Christian Rowan, MP, Shadow Minister for Education, and Mr. John-Paul Langbroek MP, Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs. Four generations of language teachers and students were also reunited, and symbolised the importance of continuing Japanese education and the amazing journeys that teaching can spark. Thank you to all who attended. We hope that the evening was inspirational, and ask for your continued support into the future.

Collaboration with the Brisbane Club


A fusion of Japanese and Australian flavours was on show at a recently-held collaboration dinner between the Consulate-General of Japan and The Brisbane Club. Chef Suzuki of the Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane worked closely with the Kitchen Brigade at The Brisbane Club to treat guests to a Japanese dinner with an Australian twist. Combining selective Japanese ingredients, including Hokkaido scallops, available right here in Brisbane with Aussie elements such as lemon myrtle and Vegemite, the chefs treated more than 100 guests to an amazing dinner showcasing their talents. Chef Suzuki’s Vegemite sauce was without doubt the hit of the evening!

Beautiful ikebana arrangements were displayed on each of the tables, skillfully crafted by the Ohara and Ikenobo Ikebana schools, both located here in Brisbane!

First Anniversary of the Thursday Island Wakayama Kenjinkai


From 23-26 May, CG Gomakubo travelled to Thursday Island (TI) to participate in some events for the first anniversary celebrations of the Wakayama Kenjinkai (Prefectural Association) on the Island.

Firstly, on the morning of 24 May, CG met with the Mayor of the Torres Shire Council, Ms Elsie Seriat, who was newly elected in the March elections. CG then welcomed the Speaker of the Wakayama Prefectural Assembly and his delegation from Japan at the wharf on TI, and took them to the Council for a courtesy call on the Mayor. On the morning of 25 May, they offered flowers at the Japanese Cemetery, and participated in the ceremony to celebrate the first anniversary of the establishment of the Wakayama Kenjinkai. Through the ceremony, they had a warm exchange and deepened their friendship with officials of the Torres Shire Council and members of the TI Kenjinkai, who are descendants of Japanese divers.

There are already four generations of Japanese Islanders on the TI. Both Wakayama Prefecture and the Kenjinkai expressed concerns about ties with Japan progressively fading away with each passing generation, and a strong awareness of the need to promote exchanges involving these younger generations in the future. The Japanese Cemetery on the TI is an important element in the history of the Nikkei (Japanese descendent) people, linking the island to Wakayama Prefecture.

AABC National Bonsai Convention 2024

It was a great pleasure to join the 36th Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd (AABC Ltd) National Bonsai Convention in Brisbane hosted by the Bonsai Society of Queensland inc. 2024 Convention Committee. CG Gomakubo enjoyed Queensland’s best Bonsai exhibition by local artists with Mr Tony Bebb, Convention Chairman, and CG served as a presenter of Chairman’s award on this occasion. Mr HIRAMATSU Koji visited Brisbane for the convention as an invited international demonstrator from Kagawa, Japan. His Bonsai works amazed all the Bonsai lovers at this event!

2024 Department of Education International Conference

Consulate staff were delighted to attend the 2024 Department of Education International Conference this week. This year’s conference was a fantastic showcase of initiatives and idea sharing for educating for global futures. DEi provides a range of great opportunities for Queensland students studying Japanese, Japanese students, and Japanese teachers: https://education.qld.gov.au/schools-educators/international/global-opportunities/opportunities-in-asia/opportunities-in-japan

Visit to Mareeba Shire Council and Cairns Regional Council


On 22 April, Consul-General Gomakubo visited the Mareeba Shire Council for the first time to pay a courtesy call on Mayor Ms Angela Toppin. The Mareeba Shire is less than an hour’s drive from Cairns International Airport, and is economically and socially diverse. And, the Kuranda Rainforest Park, which is a famous tourist destination in this region, comes under Mareeba Shire. It was a great pleasure to discuss future relationships with Japan through regional economy and tourism sectors with the Mayor, referring in particular to the similarities between the Kuranda rainforest and the Yambaru forest of Okinawa, Japan. We hope for a prosperous and long-lasting friendship with the beautiful Mareeba Shire.

On 23 April, Consul-General Gomakubo paid a courtesy call on the newly elected Mayor Ms Amy Eden in Cairns. CG Gomakubo congratulated on her inauguration and thanked the Council for its long-standing commitment to the safety of the Japanese residents and tourists in Cairns and for providing a community grant to the Cairns Japanese Association for its annual Bon Danse festival in August. They also discussed the deepening regional economic and tourism ties into the future. We hope to visit Cairns again soon!

Visit to QUT Galleries and Museums

The Consul-General visited the QUT Galleries and Museums on 11 April and enjoyed a great variety of Australian and international art, including a Hokusai and other Japanese woodblock prints, as well as a print from Torres Strait Islander artist Brian Robinson featuring Japanese cartoons! A big thank you to the staff for a wonderful tour.

Reception in Acknowledgement of Early Japanese Immigration to Australia

On 22 March, the Consulate hosted a special reception acknowledging early Japanese immigration to Australia. We celebrated the occasion with the families of several war brides and pre-war Japanese immigrants, dating back to Rikinosuke Sakuragawa, Australia’s the first recorded Japanese immigrant who arrived in 1873, along with academics and friends of the Queensland-Japan community. We were particularly honoured to have four war brides in attendance. These women arrived in Australia in the 1950s after marrying Australian servicemen in the Occupation Force, and paved the initial steps towards ending the White Australia policy and thawing post-war Australia-Japan relations.
It was an honour to provide this opportunity to connect and share histories, and to recognise the important and longstanding role that Japanese Australians have played in Queensland’s past and present. Thank you to all who attended. A special thanks goes to Dr Yuriko Nagata, Honorary Senior Fellow, University of Queensland, and Elysha Rei, Chair of Nikkei Australia, for providing a wealth of knowledge through their opening remarks and support of the event.

Sister School Signing Ceremony between Windaroo Valley State High School and Kariya High School

On 11 March, Windaroo Valley State High School formalised its Sister School agreement with Kariya High School in Aichi prefecture, Japan with an official signing ceremony.
20 students and 3 staff from Kariya High School arrived to witness the signing and take part in their annual school trip to Australia, including staying with a host family and attending Windaroo Valley SHS. As part of the ceremony, Vice-Principal of Kariya High School Mr Maruyama presented Windaroo Valley SHS Principal Mrs Hopper with a real kabuto (samurai helmet), before making an origami version for her. Students then performed Down Under in a wonderful cultural exchange! We would like to congratulate both schools on formalising their close ties, and look forward to seeing the relationship continue to flourish for many years to come.

Piano Recital


The Consulate-General of Japan Recently hosted a special salon concert with distinguished Japanese pianist Ms KATO Naoko. Ms Kato serenaded the crowd with Chopin, Schumann and Rachmaninoff, and after a surprise performance of Sakura featuring opera singers Ms Kumiko Lofley based in Gold Coast and Ms Kato’s mother from Japan, the concert was rounded out with a group rendition of Waltzing Matilda. We were honoured to have Ms KATO join us all the way from Japan for this special performance. Bravo!

2024 Emperor's Birthday Reception

Consul-General Gomakubo hosted this year’s Emperor's Birthday Reception at his Official Residence on 22 February. The event was attended by Her Excellency the Hon Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland, the Hon Cameron Dick MP, Deputy Premier, Treasurer, and Minister for Trade and Investment, Mr Tim Nicholls MP, representing the Leader of the Opposition, and other guests from the business community, the education sector, Australia-Japan friendship organisations and members of the Queensland Consular Corp.

At the start of the reception, Consul-General GOMAKUBO Junji (link to speech) extended his condolences for the victims and to their families of the earthquake in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture. He also expressed his sympathies for those affected by the recent floods in Queensland.

In his remarks, Mr Gomakubo stressed his desire to work with stakeholders to further strengthen the active Japan-Australia and Japan-Queensland relationships on various levels. Her Excellency and the Deputy Premier also made welcoming remarks.

Chef SUZUKI Akinori, the Official Residence chef, served Japanese-style dishes, providing an opportunity for guests to indulge in Japanese food culture. To promote Japanese seafood, Hokkaido scallops were served with a sauce created by Chef Suzuki using Vegemite, which was enjoyed by many guests. Ikebana flower arrangements by Sogetsu Ikebana Queensland were beautifully displayed throughout the venue.

Japanese companies sponsored the reception, allowing guests to enjoy a variety of Japanese beverages, as well as get up close and personal with the hydrogen-powered vehicle (MIRAI). We would like to sincerely thank the following companies and organisations for their cooperation with exhibiting their products.

Sapporo Breweries (Coopers Brewery)
Nippon Food Supplies Company Pty Ltd.
Takara International
Frucor Suntory
Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited
Japan National Tourism Organization
Japan External Trade Organization

2024 New Year's Reception

On 30 January, Consul-General GOMAKUBO Junji hosted a New Year's Reception at the Consul General's official residence, which was attended by approximately 90 people, including Japanese residents. In his opening remarks, Consul-General Gomakubo expressed his condolences for the victims of the earthquake in the Noto area of Ishikawa Prefecture, his sympathy for those affected by the disaster, and expressed his wish to work with the Japanese community and Japanese residents in Queensland to strengthen bilateral relations with Queensland. Mr SUNAKAWA Seisaku, President of the Gold Coast Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also presented New Year's greetings on behalf of the Japanese community. At the event, Mr SUZUKI Akinori, Chef of Consul-General Gomakubo, prepared a variety of Japanese dishes for the occasion using local Queensland ingredients and Japanese sake from various regions of Japan. The Ikenobo Queensland Study Group decorated the room with beautiful Ikebana flower arrangements.

Consul-General's Commendation for Mr Chris Whitecross and Mr Danny Maruyama

On 23 February, Consul-General Gomakubo was honoured to present commendations to Mr Chris Whitecross and Mr Danny Maruyama for their efforts in deepening the mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and Queensland in the areas of sports and business.

Danny Maruyama is a pioneer of sports diplomacy in Queensland and has worked hard to develop cultural exchange through baseball. He has supported various charitable initiatives and exchange programs for over four decades, including at Robina State High School which named their recently opened “Maruyama Field” in his honour.

Chris Whitecross is the president of the Queensland Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QJCCI). Under his leadership, QJCCI has held many Japan-related events promoting business and investment between Japan and Queensland, which have strengthened the bilateral relationship. He has worked tirelessly to create links and forge networks between the Japanese and Queensland business communities, as well as donated his time to mentoring Japanese and Australian students in international business management.

The Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane expresseds our sincere gratitude to both Maruyama-san and Chris for their dedication and efforts to the Japan-Queensland relationship. The decorations bestowed on them are a reflection of our deepest appreciation for everything they have done to bring the people of Japan and Queensland closer together in their respective fields. 


2023 Iwasaki Sangyo Prize Award Ceremony

Consul-General Gomakubo was delighted to farewell four year 12 graduates who are travelling to Japan on the Iwasaki Sangyo Prize. This prize, offered by the Queensland Department of Education International, provides students with the opportunity to undertake a cultural immersion experience in Japan to improve their language skills and be immersed in Japanese culture. Congratulations to this year’s award winners. We wish you all the best in Japan, and hope you will take these invaluable experiences with you into your future careers.

For more information on the Iwasaki Sangyo Prize, please visit: https://education.qld.gov.au/schools-educators/international/global-opportunities/opportunities-in-asia/opportunities-in-japan/japan-iwasaki-sangyo-prize