School Visit Program


Thank you for your interest in our school visit program. Contact us at if you would like to arrange a visit.
Please note that we are currently only able to offer visits to the Consulate-General (located at level 17, 12 Creek St, Brisbane), and that availability may be limited.

Applications for 2025 school visits are now open. Please note that we can currently receive visits in May, June and July.

Please submit your request form for 2025 visits to

School Visits

The Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane offers a School Visit Program to provide an exciting opportunity for students to learn more about Japanese culture and language at our office in Brisbane. Our Cultural Section has an extensive collection of cultural items, including traditional clothes, toys and plastic food moulds, which give students a hands-on glimpse into the many faces of Japan.


Topics for school visits include (but are not limited to):

  • Careers using Japanese language
  • Japanese food
  • Children’s games and toys
  • Traditional arts and crafts (music, origami, calligraphy)*
  • Traditional clothing and contemporary fashion
  • School life
  • Daily life in Japan
  • Youth culture

*Subject to availability of instructor

Please note that we may not be able to meet requests for talks on highly specialised fields. These may be referred to organisations of particular expertise in that area.

Due to COVID-19 there may be restrictions in place regarding availability and maximum visitor numbers. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Mapleton State School    Faith Lutheran

Applications for our School Visit Program

Applications for groups to visit our office are welcome from schools Queensland wide.

Spaces for school visits are limited. Please send your application early to avoid disappointment.

Teachers, please note that there will be a maximum of three classes per school per visit, and that applications are generally limited to one visit per school per year. The following time limits apply:

One class group          1 x 60 minute session
Two class groups         2 x 40 minute session
Three class groups      3 x 30 minute session

N.B. There is a maximum of 30 students per class group due to room capacity.

How to Apply

Please fill out the application form with more than one preferred date. This will help to save time and prevent the applicant from having to fill out a new form.

Completed application forms should be sent by fax to: (07)3229 0878 or emailed to the Cultural Section ( Once your application has been lodged, we will contact you prior to your nominated date to confirm our availability.

Download an application for a school visit pdf

For further information please contact:

Cultural Section
Consulate-General of Japan
Ph: (07) 3221 5188
Fax: (07) 3229 0878

Important: Due to the nature of the Consulate-General of Japan, school visits may have to be cancelled on short notice. In these circumstances, we will do our best to inform you as soon as possible.