Visiting Japan & Visa


Any missing information or documents will result in your visa application not being accepted.

Appointment Required for Visa Applications


Who needs a visa?


Types of Travel
 Need a visa 
 Visa Exemption countries & regions 
including Australia

(List of 70 Countries and Regions)
  • Short-term stay (less than 90 days)
  • Tourism, business (without paid activities),
    conference, or study
  • COE (Certificate of Eligibility) holders,
  • Spouse of Japanese national,
  • Child of Japanese national
      (Former Japanese national),

  • Working Holiday(Australian ONLY)
 NON-Visa Exemption countries & regions
(I.e. any nationals of a country/region that is NOT in this list List of 70 Countries and Regions)
  • All types
  • *The Visa Exemption applies based on your nationality, NOT on your Australian residency status.



General visa information


Opening Hours
Business days 9:00-12:00 & 13:30-16:00  Closure Dates
Please make an appointment online to schedule a visit to our office through our website.
No walk-in accepted.

If you hold a "Certificate of Eligibility" and need a visa to travel to Japan soon but cannot make an online appointment, please contact us for further assistance.
Processing Time
The minimum assessment time is 5 business days for all visas EXCEPT WORKING HOLIDAY WHICH TAKES A MINIMUM OF 10 business days*.
There is NO priority or urgent processing service.
Visa Validity
Single Entry Visa is only valid for 3 months. You must enter Japan within this time frame.
We will NOT accept any visa applications more than 3 months before your departure date.

Multiple Entry Visa is generally valid for 1-5 years
Who can apply for a visa?
CAN - Acceptable
Long-Term Australian Visa holders who live in QLD (Up to South of Mackay)
If you reside north of Mackay, please visit the Cairns office website instead.

CANNOT - UNacceptable
Visitor Visa holders and Residents in other states (NSW, VIC, TAS, SA & WA) in Australia
Proxy/Authorization Letter
Applicants (including minors) may authorise a proxy to lodge your application, or to collect your passport after the assessment .

You will need to provide an authorisation letter and your representative must show a valid photo ID when lodging and picking up.
Your passport
Your passport will be kept at the Consulate during assessment (excluding online applications).

As long as your passport is valid during the time of your stay in Japan, your passport’s validity can be shorter than 6 months***.



Types of visas and the required documents



Visa collection

Visa collection hours 9:00 - 12:00, 13:30 - 16:00 on weekdays (No booking required)

Visa Fees1st of April 2024 ~ 31st of March 2025
  Visa Type Fees
Visa Single-entry A$ 32.00
Single-entry (India) A$ 9.00
Multiple-entry A$ 65.00
Multiple-entry (India) A$ 9.00
Transit A$ 8.00
Transit (India) A$ 1.00
※ We accept CASH only. We DO NOT accept personal cheques, money order and credit cards. PAYMENT IS NOT ACCEPTED UNTIL THE VISA IS GRANTED AND AT THE TIME OF VISA COLLECTION ONLY. 
※ Payment is due at the time of PICKUP.
※ The fees above are applicable to those who submit an application from the 1st of April 2024.


Visa fee exemption

There is no charge for visas on an Australian, New Zealander, Korean, Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Colombian or Pakistani passport holders.


Visa Fees(1st of April 2023 ~ 31st of March 2024
  Visa Type Fees
Visa Single-entry A$ 32.00
Single-entry (India) A$ 9.00
Multiple-entry A$ 64.00
Multiple-entry (India) A$ 9.00
Transit A$ 7.00
Transit (India) A$ 1.00
※ We accept CASH only. We DO NOT accept personal cheques, money order and credit cards. PAYMENT IS NOT ACCEPTED UNTIL THE VISA IS GRANTED AND AT THE TIME OF VISA COLLECTION ONLY. 
※ Payment is due at the time of PICKUP.
※ The fees above are applicable to those who submit an application from the 1st of April 2024.